Brain Waves and Schumann Resonances

All our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are rooted in the communication between neurons in our brain called brain waves. Brain waves are produced by synchronized electrical impulses from masses of neurons that communicate with each other. The brain is a powerful generator of extremely low frequency (ELF) signals that are transmitted around our bodies through the nervous system, the same for every living organism on the planet.
These communications take place at different frequencies; they are measured in hertz. Hertz (Hz) is measured as cycles per second, so 1 cycle per second = 1Hz, 4 cycles per second = 4Hz etc; each brain wave has a purpose and helps us ensure optimal mental functioning. The image below gives you an idea of the enormous connections made between the billions of neurons in a human brain.

Amplitude shows the power of electrical impulses generated by the brain. The volume or intensity of brain wave activity is measured in microvolts. The raw EEG frequency bands include Delta brain waves between 0.1Hz and 4Hz, Theta brain waves between 4Hz and 7Hz, Alpha brain waves between 7Hz and 12Hz, Beta brain waves between 13Hz and 30Hz and brain waves range between 30Hz and 100Hz. Their ranges overlap along the frequency spectrum of 0.5 Hz or more.These frequencies are linked to behavior, subjective feeling states, physiological correlates, etc. The clinical improvement with the EEG biofeedback is attributable to the improvement of the neuroregulation of the basic functions by appealing to their underlying rhythmic mechanisms. Schumann resonance forms a natural feedback loop with the human mind/body. Our brains and bodies have developed in the biosphere.

There are 5 different types of human brain waves, starting from the lowest Delta from 0.1Hz to 4Hz, Theta from 4Hz to 7Hz, Alpha from 7Hz to 12Hz, Beta from 13Hz to 30Hz and Gamma from 30Hz to 100Hz (normally about 40Hz). Each brain wave occurs at different times within the brain.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the brain waves and how they compare to the frequencies of Schumann’s resonances. We can see how the brain is aligned with these resonances; further evidence of the positive effect they have on our daily lives and on all other living organisms on Earth.

Delta Brain Waves between 0.1 Hz and 4 Hz (0-4 cycles per second)

DELTA waves range from 0 to 4 Hz. Delta is the lowest of the 5 brain wave frequencies that are delta at less than 4Hz associated with deep sleep. It is the dominant rhythm in children up to one year of age and is present in sleep stages 3 and 4 yrs. It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. We increase delta waves to decrease awareness of the physical world. In deeper meditation and dreamless sleep, delta waves are generated. Each of these brainwave frequencies performs an important function.

In addition, some frequencies in the delta range trigger the release of growth hormone beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why deep restful sleep is so essential for the healing process. It is possible to access information in our unconscious mind through Delta waves.

Too many delta waves: excessive delta wave production is associated with coma, neurodevelopmental disorders and severe brain injury. In some cases, people with extreme ADHD cases may have higher delta wave levels than normal while they are awake.

Delta waves too small: people with sleep disturbances may not be able to reach right levels of delta waves at night, these people will not enter the deepest and most restorative stages of sleep with the same frequency as others. This causes anxiety, fatigue, tiredness and in the medium/long term even illness.

Theta Brain Waves between 4Hz and 7Hz (4-7 cycles per second)

THETA waves are involved in daydreaming and sleep. Theta waves are connected with the experience and sensation of deep and raw emotions. Too much theta activity can make people prone to attacks of depression and can make them “highly suggestible” based on the fact that they are in a semi-relaxed and semi-hypnotic state.

These states occur most often in sleep, but are also dominant in the deeper state of mediation. The optimal level for deep thought is Theta. In Theta, our senses are withdrawn from the outside world and focused on signals that originate internally; we are in a daydream, real images flash before the mind’s eye and we are receptive to information beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has its advantages in helping to improve our intuition, creativity and makes us feel more natural. It is also involved in restorative sleep.

Too many Theta waves: the exagerrate production of Theta is linked to lower levels of anxiety, stress and neurosis. Increasing the total amount of the theta waves can help slow down rapid thoughts and make a person feel more relaxed.

Too small Theta waves: People with too little Theta waves production can suffer from anxiety, personality disorders or stress.

Alpha Brain Waves between 7Hz and 12Hz (7-12 cycles per second)

ALPHA waves are prevalent during moments of silent thought and similar meditative states. Alpha is considered the “power of now”, being here and in the present moment. As more and more neurons are forced to this frequency, alpha waves move globally across the cortex. This leads to deep relaxation, but not to meditation. Alpha is also the frequency known as Schumann resonance, which is the resonant frequency (7.83 Hz) of the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

Schumann’s resonance waves propagate in the ionosphere around the Earth. When we are out of nature, our natural alpha waves resonate (igniting) with the frequency of that earth, naturally we feel better, refreshed. We are tuned or resonant with the terrestrial frequency of 7.83Hz. It’s the state of rest for the brain, not unlike a car idling at the traffic lights. Alpha waves help overall mental coordination, calm and alertness, mind / body integration and learning. Alpha appears to be closely involved in reticular activation and participates in mechanisms for binding and allocating resources regarding orientation and sequences of activity in the brain.

Too many alpha waves: increasing alpha waves automatically reduces fears, tension, stress, nerves and anxiety. Alpha waves stimulate creativity and minimize depression. Alpha waves increase the release of the neurotransmitter called “serotonin” which acts as a natural antidepressant.

Alpha waves too small: the reduction of alpha waves often indicates that you feel anxious, depressed and inhibit your creativity levels.

Beta Brain Waves between 13HZ and 30Hz (13-30 cycles per second)

BETA waves are commonly observed while we are awake. They are involved in conscious thinking, logical thinking and tend to have an active and stimulating effect, they allow us to easily focus and complete work-based activities, which are very fast brain waves that most people express during the day to complete conscious activities such as: critical thinking, writing, reading and socializing.

Too many beta waves: increased beta brain wave activity can cause stress, anxiety and fear. It can also cause an increase in blood pressure.

Beta waves too small: the reduction of beta brain waves can lead to poor cognition, ADHD, daydreams or depression.

Gamma Brain Waves between 30Hz and 100Hz (30-100 cycles per second)

They are involved in higher processing tasks and cognitive functioning. GAMMA waves are important for learning, processing memory and information. The 40 Hz gamma wave is believed to be important for the binding of our senses as far as perception is concerned and they are involved in learning new material. People tested with learning difficulties or brain damage tend to have below average gamma activity.

Too many gamma waves: the increase in gamma brain waves modulates perception and consciousness and that a greater presence of gamma refers to expanded consciousness or spiritual awareness.

Gamma waves too small: low amounts of gamma brain wave activity are related to learning difficulties, poor memory and impaired mental processing.

Orbis783 Conclusions

The connection between humans and Schumann resonances can be best explained using the analogy of 2 systems with corresponding frequencies when one of them starts to vibrate; the other will vibrate at the same time. Human brain waves and Schumann resonance frequencies are in the same range. This creates “drag” or “power on”. The word kindling refers to the matching of neurons through the brain creating synchronicity. Schumann resonance is a tuning fork for life, it acts as a background frequency that influences the biological circuits of the mammalian brain.

Life on Earth exists only because the Earth’s electromagnetic field protects all living things on it, and it is a natural frequency of 7.83Hz (terrestrial heart beat). Schumann resonance is the true impulse of the Earth at 7.83 Hz, this natural harmonic frequency of the Earth is the resonance frequency of the planet and corresponds to that of human consciousness at the optimal low levels of alpha and the upper range of theta brain waves. The human nervous system can be affected by the Earth’s electromagnetic field. This is why being in the open air immersed in nature has always had a salutary effect and has helped healing.
The continuous and increasingly predominant presence of Artificial Electromagnetic Fields and Electrosmog in the daily life of each of us creates interference and imbalances even in brain waves, first creating initial biological imbalances that over time can become real pathologies.

The Orbis783 devices have been designed and manufactured with the aim of harmonizing these natural waves by retuning the brain waves through the generation of Schumann Resonances. Choose Orbis 783 to supply the organism with those harmonic Biorhythms that Artificial Electromagnetic Fields are disturbing and very often deleting.