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What is Orbis783

The frequency / resonance of Schumann

The frequency of Schumann, also known as Schumann Resonance, is an electromagnetic phenomenon of geomagnetic resonance that has always been present on our planet. These are permanent electromagnetic waves that are formed in continuous flow with a certain value of frequencies that is distributed along the earth’s surface. Each energy emission in the resonance cavity that is found between the ionosphere and the earth’s surface, that is, each electric discharge produced by lightning, in turn produces electromagnetic fields and relative radio waves, all this natural energy contribution constantly maintains these resonances in place . Schumann’s frequency / resonance is named after the German physicist W.O. Schumann (1888 – 1972), who initially predicted the existence of this frequency based on theoretical reasoning (Schumann 1952). In later times, together with Herber L. König, he had the opportunity to detect the value of these frequencies, thus demonstrating their existence (Schumann & König 1954). The fundamental primary frequency detected by instrumentation (the fundamental frequency represents the primary energetic part of a wider spectrum of frequencies that make up the spectrum of the overall resonance) was exactly the same as that expected by mathematical calculations, that is 7.83 Hz.

Scientific studies lead us to believe that a slow adaptation to these prevailing geomagnetic waves took place in the process of evolution of living beings, thus allowing the emergence of a close symbiosis between the geomagnetic field and evolutionary behavior as well as the natural well-being of living beings on earth (Funk, Monsees & Özkuzur 2009). This means that the fundamental frequency of 7.83 Hz together with the other frequencies belonging to Schumann Resonance has been present since the ionosphere has existed on earth, allowing all living beings to use it as a reference frequency for a series of physiological functions ( Aschoff 1954, Glass 2001). Schumann’s resonance is in fact also defined as “the breath of the Earth”.


Natural Effects of the frequency / resonance of Schumann

Studies and research widely supported by scientific literature, particularly in the neurobiological field, have made it possible to discover and verify 7.83 Hz, primary fundamental frequency of Schumann waves resonating at the same frequency as the hippocampus in our brain, which is an important section . The hippocampus is part of the limbic system, relating to survival and memory.

Based on these discoveries and following multiple specific scientific checks, prof. Michael Persinger (who carried out research on behalf of NASA) was able to recognize how the absence of Schumann’s frequency outside the ionosphere caused physiological problems for astronauts during the first flights in space. He identified the solution to the problem in the installation of Schumann generators (Persinger 1967). In fact, they are able to regenerate those natural electromagnetic conditions that were missing when moving away from the earth and the ionosphere.

In the 1960s, referring to the same field of study, prof. Rütger Wever of the Max Planck Institute built an underground bunker completely shielded from electromagnetic fields, in order to analyze man’s circadian rhythms. For more than thirty years the professor studied the phenomenon thanks to several volunteer students of the program, who spent weeks at the bunker. When Schumann resonance was ruled out, the students’ physical and mental health deteriorated quickly, while their circadian rhythms were completely less. It should be emphasized that the participants were all young and healthy.

As a good scientist, Wever decided to test his hypothesis. So he secretly reintroduced a frequency generator set at 7.83 Hz into the bunker. Each time it was turned on, the negative effects on the volunteers disappeared or diminished. Stress, headaches and mental frustration were reduced and a sense of general well-being returned. All thanks to the reintroduction of the Schumann frequency (Wever 1968).


Mechanism of biological action of Schumann resonance

Scientific studies conducted at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena (USA), have shown that the Earth’s magnetic field and natural electromagnetic fields have an influence on our brain. It was possible to verify and demonstrate the presence of magnetite crystals in the human brain, which function as magnetic antennas through which the brain detects the Earth’s magnetic field and natural electromagnetic fields. As a result of this discovery, a group of American researchers (Kirschvink, Kobayashi-Kirschvink & Woodford 1992) has been able to detect how such crystalline elements are present in large numbers in the human brain. Similar biological magnets have also been found in other living things. Magnetite, which is an iron ore, has the characteristic of reacting to an external magnetic field with an extremely high force, equal to over a million times greater than any other biological material. Therefore the magnetite crystals present in the brain and beyond, as “antennas”, are able to receive and react even to relatively weak signals.

Causes of the ineffective effect of Schumann resonance

The ever growing development of electronic and communication technologies leads to an exponential increase in the presence of non-natural electromagnetic fields and Electrosmog. Specifically, the use of Smartphones, WLAN and Wi Fi networks, Bluetooth, radio leads to the creation of an overlap with Schumann frequencies. For this reason, our body is less and less able to select these natural terrestrial frequencies from Electrosmog and harmful electromagnetic fields. The consequence is that the vital functions linked to the correct coherence and synchronization with Schumann’s resonance are increasingly out of phase (Hecht 2011, Mulligan & Persinger 2012); like what happened to the first astronauts to conquer space and what happened during Professor Rütger Wever’s experiments in the artificial deprivation of natural electromagnetic fields.

Biological effect of ORBIS783

ORBIS 783, by generating a natural electromagnetic signal of 7.83 Hz corresponding to the primary frequency of Resonance called “Schumann”, makes available to the human organism “harmonic rhythms” in a frequency band advantageous to it to which he can adapt, in so that disadvantageous signals such as Electrosmog and harmful electromagnetic fields are no longer able to disturb the communication between the individual cells of the brain, muscles and organs, which is based on small electromagnetic impulses. If these “bio-impulses” are constantly disturbed from the outside, our body’s electrical mechanisms are put out of sync.


Positive biological effects thanks to Schumann’s resonance on the human body:

  • contrast to environmental disturbances such as electromagnetic pollution and Electrosmog (Life Sci Space Res. 2009);
  • improvement of sleep and greater well-being through the stabilization of circadian rhythms and consequent increase in the production of Melatonin (Wever 1973, Cherry 2002);
  • development of the bone structure through the stimulation of osteoblasts (Aaron & Ciombor 1996);
  • strengthening of immune defense (Liebermann et al. 2001);
  • normalization of blood pressure (Mitsutake et al. 2005);
  • decreased sensitivity to pain (Eccles 2005);
  • improvement of mnemonic performance through hippocampal stimulation (O’Keefe & Nadel 1978);
  • improvement of mental performance, specifically attention, concentration and creative abilities, through the synchronization of neuronal rhythms (Rutishauser et al. 2010, Mulligan & Persinger 2012);